In order to participate in Art-A-Whirl, you must be a member of NEMAA. Membership is open to all.
Membership runs through the calendar year. For Art-A-Whirl 2025, members will need to join and update their profile by March 1, 2025 in order to be included in the printed NEMAA Member Directory & Art-A-Whirl Guide. If you join after that date, your profile will be online, but not in the printed directory.
Artists & Galleries
Individual Artist members (including Student & Emerging) and Professional Gallery members have the option to use NEMAA’s platform to build an online shop in addition to their member profile.
For Guest Artists (without space)
NEMAA provides a list of sites that host guest artists. The list is accessible through your member account under the “Resources” tab, and in the monthly member newsletters until Art-A-Whirl. You will need to contact sites directly to arrange to show there. Costs associated with spots range from free to ~$600 depending on the site and are not collected by NEMAA.
You may also have a site which you would like to show at and bring them into Art-A-Whirl participation. Sites with at least one NEMAA artist located there all three days of Art-A-Whirl will receive a red dot on our printed map (if joined and location listed by March 1, 2025).
For Businesses & Nonprofits (NPOs)
Business and nonprofit members will be included in NEMAA’s online directory as well as map for Art-A-Whirl. If hosting artists, the artists should also be NEMAA members, so that your location will accurately be indicated as an art site.
For Restaurants, Bars, Breweries, Distilleries, & Food Trucks
Brick-and-mortar food and beverage establishments need to join as as business-level members in order to be included in the 2025 Art-A-Whirl Dining & Brew Guides, along with printed & digital maps.
If you’re a food truck, it’s a little different. Please fill out this form to be included in our list of available food truck vendors. We share a list of all interested food trucks with Art-A-Whirl sites well ahead of the event, and any site interested in booking your services will be in touch directly. Once you have secured a spot with an Art-A-Whirl site, NEMAA asks that you purchase a map pin ($150 per food truck) to be included in the Art-A-Whirl map (print & online if secured before March 1; online only if secured after March 1).
For Musicians and Bands
NEMAA doesn’t coordinate bands or line-ups; that’s something individual sites do. We recommend reaching out directly to the venue you wish to play at. However, we do collect info to share with our members in case they are looking for musicians. Fill out the form here. NEMAA members will contact you if interested. We also welcome musicians to join NEMAA as artist members! Benefits include access to NEMAA’s audience to share your upcoming gigs, and a year-round profile where you can post music videos.