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NEMAA membership is open to all!

NEMAA’s mission is to strengthen and support our local artist community with resources, promotion, and fellowship. Our members are artists, galleries, businesses, nonprofits, neighbors, and art appreciators. We welcome artists with studio space and those without, established professionals, aspiring students, and everyone in between. Together, we bring social and economic vitality to Northeast and adjacent communities.

Ready to join?

Select your membership level, then click “Join Now” below. Please note that memberships are for the calendar year, so renewals happen January 1 each year. Questions? Contact us at

$0.00$350.00 available on subscription

Renewing your membership?

To make sure you join with your existing account and profile, please sign in now or at the top of the checkout.

Food & Beverage partners receive a dining, brew, or food truck map icon, and have the opportunity to be listed in the Art-A-Whirl® Food & Beverage Guides, both in print and online, for $150. Example:
Please provide this information for your Dakota or Native membership.
Please provide this information for your student membership.
For $30, purchase an image for your profile in the upcoming printed NEMAA Member Directory. Example:
Contributions to the Forward Fund help NEMAA provide free and half-priced memberships to student and emerging artists, strengthening our artist community through mutual support. Learn more about the fund here.
Forward Fund Thank You Gifts
For a limited time, receive one or more thank you gifts for your Forward Fund contribution!
$50 contribution: NEMAA T-Shirt
$100 contribution: T-Shirt (above) + Mug
$250 contribution: T-Shirt (above), Mug (above) + NEMAA Hoodie
NEMAA will display a small Forward Fund Contributor badge on your profile, highlighting you as a supporter. You can uncheck the box if you choose to remain an anonymous contributor.

Need help?

If you have a question about an order or a pickup, or about fulfillment options for an item, please contact the artist or gallery.

If you need help with this website or your customer account, or if you are an artist or gallery in need of support, please contact us.

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