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Seeing Salt


Friday, November 10Saturday, November 11





Annie Hejny
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Join visual artist Annie Hejny for her Minnesota Water Steward certification capstone exhibition, Seeing Salt. Along with showcasing new artwork created with collected road salts, Hejny is hosting a special panel discussion with Abby Moore, Outreach Principal at Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) and a fellow Minnesota Water Steward. This community conversation will offer best practices for reducing salt usage and protecting our waterways during the upcoming winter season.

“Prep for Winter with a MN Water Steward” A panel discussion with Q&A about best salt practices. November 11th at 2PM.
“During my training as a Minnesota Water Steward, which primarily took place during Minnesota’s third snowiest winter season on record, I became aware of the immense role that chloride plays in polluting freshwater. When I learned that only 1 teaspoon of road salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water, I began to envision artwork that could call attention to this concern and offer solutions for communities. Once I began to notice excess salt on our sidewalks and roadways, I couldn’t stop seeing it. In April, I swept up four gallons of residual salt from a parking lot and began working with it in my studio. Integrating the salt with materials such as cement, indigo and watercolor, this series is an invitation into conversations about how to pay attention to salt, reduce our usage, and protect the future health of our waterways.” 
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