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Orange Hawkweed

Oil painting, 12″x12″ plus 3/4″ wide ornate black/gold wooden frame.  Painted for my Pretty Weeds art show, which runs May through July 2024 at Sociable Cider Werks.

Label text:

Orange Hawkweed

Flower size: ¾ to 1 inch across

Scientific name: Pilosella aurantiacum

Other common names: fox and cubs, devil’s paintbrush, grim-the-collier

Native to Alpine regions of central and southern Europe, where it is protected in several regions

Considered invasive in Northern North America, and especially in Kosciuszko National Park in New South Wales, Australia

The flowers are orange, almost red, which is virtually invisible to bees, yet they also reflect ultraviolet light, increasing their conspicuousness to pollinators.”

From “Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarily of flowers” in Plant Biology by C. J. Van Der Kool, I. Pen, M. Staal, D. G. Stavenga, and J. T. M. Elzenga

The petals are the most rufous of vulpine russets imaginable.”

Ceridwen, blipfoto contributor from the coast of West Wales


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