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By the River

By The River

Witnessing Waves series

48″ x 48″ x 1.5″

acrylic on canvas

Two trees, lost in conversation. They happily live by the river, enthralled with each other’s energy.

The Mississippi River Gorge and her wealth of heritage trees has always intrigued, inspired, and comforted me. This series pays respect to these gentle witnesses of migration and settlement along our mighty river, these magnificent, steadfast trees. The trees welcome all, without discrimination. It is my hope that we all become like the trees.

The series is imbued with symbolism. DNA strands weave along the river banks and through the roots and ground, reminding us of our connections with all, whether it is nature or each other. The roots remain planted, with the tacit understanding that firm foundation is essential to survival. Inspired by the mosaics of Ravenna, Italy, the individual squares, thousands of squares, are our opportunities. We can choose to interact, or choose to ignore, there are a myriad of options to explore.

The series, Witnessing Waves, was featured on the PBS award winning series MNOriginal.

Painted on all sides, this painting is ready to install. No framing needed.


This item is for sale on the external shop for Alison Price.

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