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Thursday, January 1
7:00pm - 10:00pm


Gamut Gallery
717 South 10th Street
Minneapolis, MN
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Cassie Garner
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A solo exhibition featuring Emily Quandahl’s ethereal abstract compositions connecting her past, present and future.

As a representation of self, this body of work exemplifies both the familiar and the transportive in the evolution of Emily Quandahl’s work. A variety of vibrant acrylics, dyes, tile mosaics, stitched canvas, and loose pigments replicate the ethereal sanctuaries that have provided Emily comfort through many seasons of her life and through her transformation as an artist. The wide array of mediums is an example of the life cycle of an artist, moving to a new chapter of creation as the process holds new meaning. Emily’s most recent modus operandi relies on instinctive and meditative painting, letting go of control as to fully and authentically record her experience through these organic compositions. Beginning intuitively on the floor with malleable diluted acrylics, Emily then fuses canvases by hand stitching them together to form a perfectly balanced process of intentional manipulation and cathartic expression.

“As an artist, I record the space and moments around me by finding visual harmonies between contrasting subjects, deconstructing the expected, and putting the pieces back together. I view my life through different forms of balance, whether it be organic vs structured, chaos vs calm, or dark vs light. To me, there is a beauty that comes from the tension that is created by two contrasting visual languages having a conversation.

In every studio session, I throw away preconceived notions of what my work should be and trust my intuitive instinct to lead me in the direction necessary to express myself in the moment. My artistic journey has been built on a foundation of trust, experimentation, and constant evolution throughout practice.  This mindset allows me a sense of vulnerability as I find relationships between musical movements, instinctual marking, and planned line-work to take in and record the space and events around me.” – Emily Quandahl

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