Artists include: Erik Benson, Will Bentsen, Ute Bertog, Tara Costello, Brad Geiken, Christopher Harrison, Syed Hosain, Anne Labovitz, Josh Meillier, Matt Reimers, David Rich, Anne Rynearson, Merritt Spangler and Mizz. Wormhole
The End of Painting brings together a swath of regional and national artists who are working under the auspices of painting. Defining boundaries in formal and emotive terms, and delineating connections of all sorts, the artists’ works are presented within an encapsulation of many end-points. Naturally, this also suggests a place for beginning. Such universal cycles are – on some level – what is always sought in the exploration of painterly qualities; of light, color, and feeling. This grouping contains many differences and similarities. Just as a painterly artwork can die, it can also come alive. Therefore any end of any painting, must also imply survival and continuation, a quality each of these exudes.