Spooky Ghost Clay Workshop
Come create a ghost with us!
This sculpture will be lovely when filled with some twinkle lights, or simply created to hang and hover!
We will roll out a sphere of clay and then drape it over a mold, encouraging the folds of the clay to lay as we like. We will cut holes for eyes and if we want, a hole to hang your creation from.
We will roll out a sphere of clay and then drape it over a mold, encouraging the folds of the clay to lay as we like. We will cut holes for eyes and if we want, a hole to hang your creation from.
This is a simple workshop that can be good for a variety of ages.
Any tiny humans registered are under the expectation to respect the workspace provided.
Please chaperone your children when they are gathering new tools for carving, or acquiring tea from the kitchen area. Work together to create a safe and peaceful space for all involved. Both adults and children must register to participate.