Second Saturday Open Studios at the California Bldg: Feb. 11
Bring your Valentine. Find a Valentine. Make a Valentine. Possibilities!!!!
Start with some caffeine from MOJO Coffee Gallery and head on out in the building. Lots to see and do. Lots of art making happening here on Second Saturday.
Studio 602: Amy Rice says, “Make a handmade Valentines Day card with the help of a professional artist (that’s me!) for your sweetie (or yourself). There’s MORE! I will have dried flower Valentines Day arrangements and bouquets available for purchase.”
Studio 123: Justin Hossle says, “Hossle Woodworks has been busy this fall and winter creating new products that are perfect for your Valentine’s sweetheart!”
Studio 113: Remo Campopiano says, “I will be demonstrating using a 3d printer to create 30 foot tall public art sculptures of wheat. I’m currently researching whether the seed pods could be gold leafed …golden waves of grain, yeah, why not.”
on2Gallery has a wonderful mixed media show by Deborah Foutch Studio, 200A and Candy Keuhn, Studio 200C. They will be talking about their work at 1:30 and from 2-4pm will be working on a wet paint pour onto fabrics and papers with found objects for texture. Cool!