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Oil/Cold Wax Workshop


Friday, January 17
9:30am - 3:30pm


Northrup King Building – Studio 280
1500 Jackson Street Northeast
Minneapolis, MN
Map & Directions


$185.00 (all materials included)


Mary Meuwissen
Send an Email
Mary Meuwissen: Call 612-747-2587

Oil and Cold Wax Workshop

January 17, 2025

Mary Meuwissen, Studio 280, Northrup King, Minneapolis, MN

Want to paint with oil/cold wax and don’t know how to start? Have trouble thinking of ideas to paint? What inspires you? What gets you moving creatively?

Loosen up in this fun, one day workshop that will introduce you to the fundamentals of working with this wonderful medium.

This class is for beginners as well as seasoned painters wanting to try this exciting medium. Feel free to bring to class any small  paintings that you may have started – oil or acrylic. These will provide a base for experimentation. I will provide substrates (paper, cradled panel, paints, and tools) for all participants.

You will have the opportunity for hands-on painting, creating your own paintings in your own style or in a range of styles. The class size is limited to 6 allowing for one on one instruction.

Please bring to class and apron, a lunch, a sketchbook for ideas or notes.

Tuition for the day is $185.00

All materials included.

Please register on my Website:

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