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MN Made: Northern Lights + Shortwave


Tuesday, January 14
7:15pm - 9:00pm


The Main Cinema
115 Southeast Main Street
Minneapolis, MN
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MSP Film Society
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MN Made

Tuesday, January 14 at 7:15pm

A new restoration of the 1979 Cannes Camera d’Or Winner Northern Lights. Filmmaker John Hanson in attendance for a conversation.


Northern Lights won the 1979 Camera d’Or and was hailed worldwide as a classic of American independent cinema. Directors John Hanson and Rob Nilsson used beautifully spare black and white images of the Dakota prairie to dramatize the battle that small wheat farmers waged against the bankers, railroad magnates and grain monopolists who were pushing them into bankruptcy. Their movement caught fire and their party – the Nonpartisan League – won the elections of 1916, but at great personal cost. In the words of the lead organizer, Ray Sorenson, “You struggle for a good life, but you never get to live it.”

Shortwave — A young boy living in the country builds a picture of the world beyond his farm from fragments of popular culture, and his imagination. 1998, 16mm, 8 mins. Written and directed by Wyatt McDill. Produced by David Tufford. Starring Jake Sullivan


The MN Made series celebrates the dynamic range of films made by Minnesota filmmakers and artists. Presented by MSP Film in partnership with FilmNorth and Explore Minnesota Film. The series is supported by Jerome Foundation.

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