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Metal Casting with Recyclable Clay Molds


6:00pm - 9:00pm


Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center
Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center
Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
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Make bronze sculpture using molding process from West Africa, Meso-America, and Japan. These clay molds are recyclable, reducing the waste from most metal casting methodology. The six-week workshop meets on Monday nights 6–9 pm from October 21 through November 25 at the Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center. Scholarships available.

In this course we will explore making small cast bronze sculptures using ancient methods. You’ll mold small wax patterns with clay and other natural materials following Indian, African, Meso-American, and Japanese techniques. The molds will then be fired with charcoal and cast in bronze or aluminum. You can expect to make two to three works and develop skills, including wax working, clay molding, and melting metals, which will enable you to make small sculpture with low-cost recyclable materials. Alternative melting methods (primitive furnaces fired with charcoal) may be explored based on student interest. Attendance at the first class session is mandatory, as important safety information is presented.


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