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House Luminary Slab-Building Clay Workshop


12:00pm - 2:00pm


Dame Errant
Dame Errant Clay
North 2nd Street, Minneapolis, MN
Map & Directions



House Luminary — A Slab-Building Clay Workshop

Saturday, November 9, 12–2pm

A cousin to our fairy house!

This is a playful slab-building workshop. Start with a cured slab and use our stencils to cut out your pieces. Add your doors and windows and assemble your house!

As with all our workshops, beginners are very welcome! Most of our workshops are very relaxed and freeform, this workshop does have a bit of a technical aspect as we need to make the walls meet up, so come prepared to follow instructions throughout the workshop!

This could also be a spooky haunted house or a house built for any creature, mystical or tiny. If you’d rather not use our template you could build a small box with the slab provided.

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