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Gifting Q.Arma-Holiday Open House


4:00pm - 10:00pm


1224 Quincy Street Northeast
Minneapolis, MN
Map & Directions




Jonathan Query
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Gifting Q.arma – Solstice – Yalda – Holiday Open House

Gifting Q.arma is our annual winter holiday open house. This year we will host the event on December 21. It’s the winter solstice as well as the great Persian holiday – YALDA.
Yalda Night celebrates the shortest day/longest night of the year and is a really beautiful time to gather with family, friends and community to eat, drink, listen to music and read the poetry of Hafez for glimpses into your future.

Gifting Q.arma’s Open Studios will be brimming with the ceramics, textiles, print-making, painting, wood working, photography and the crazy creativity of our artists.

Join us and super-charge your gift giving game by shopping local artists, creatives and makers this holiday season.

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