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Flahn Manly: Joy is My Weapon


Wednesday, February 5Saturday, February 8


NE Sculpture | Gallery Factory
NE Sculpture I Gallery Factory
1720 NE Madison St # 14, Minneapolis, MN 55413
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Opening Reception: Saturday February 1, 5–10pm — “Food, music, art, vibes”

Gallery hours: February 5–8, 12–5pm or by appointment

Flahn Manly is the Artist-in-Residence & Fellow @ NE SCULPTURE I Gallery Factory for December 2024, January & part of February 2025. Congratulations Flahn!!! The Fellowship/Residency, awarded annually by NE SCULPTURE, is for exploring, testing, problem-solving, discovering and creating. The Fellowship/Artist-in-Residence is a process rather than an outcome, for experimenting.

Flahn has recently also been part of the Social Justice Billboard Program during September thru December 2024 with his work “Fire!! / LIBERATE” (

This work is a declaration of liberation and resistance, a visual statement that sets fire to the remnants of systematic oppression. Through this piece, Flahn challenges the dominance of Western thought and dismantle colonial ideologies that have sought to suppress Black identity.

Flahn Manly ( b. 1988, Monrovia, Liberia) is a Liberian native whose work focuses on freedom, hope, and social transformation. Flahn creates works that reflect his life’s journey and spirit of his soul. As an artist, he has an affinity for creating bodies of work using subjects with dark skin tones. His work is often a response to the challenging portrayal of communities of color in society. “Media has often portrayed us as loud; aggressive; unattractive; evil; and most of all: undesirable. “ In his defense, he aims to create a depiction of Black men, women and children in the image of love, grace, honor and great stature as they navigate and conquer spaces and industries. Flahn believes his art is a powerful mode of expression because of its nonverbal quality that makes it as once direct and so tacit. Flahn understands the importance of providing imagery that represents Blackness in a way that encompasses nobility and relatability.

Flahn Manly creates works that reflect his life’s journey and spirit of his soul. For more information:, 612-484-7301. To see more work, visit Flahn’s website at

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