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Fake Pictures of Real Things


Wednesday, August 23Wednesday, September 6


The Pink Slip
3004 40th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN
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Madison Rubenstein
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The Artists in Conversation (aic)* cooperative present a group show, “Fake Pictures of Real Things” at The Pink Slip

Art can serve as a funhouse mirror through which we interpret our respective realities. From physical to digital collage, to the splicing together of moments and images, building up layers and utilizing multiple mediums, we remix and reform reality. The presented work in Fake Pictures of Real Things showcase how artists reconstitute or reorganize reality in ways that synthesize disparate moments to reflect a new whole.

With work by:
Andrew Yarish
Ben Hering
Madison Rubenstein
Alden Gowdy
Gina Gaetz
Hilary Greenstain
Josh Katzenmeyer
Emil Quandahl

Marge J. Buckley
Derek Meir
Travis Collins
Sander Kolodziej
Hannah B Farrell
Erin Peña
Tchanna Pierre

*The AiC cooperative is a Twin Cities group started by artists, for artists. Our members have been creating and exhibiting work for fewer than ten years, and seek opportunities to build community with others at the same level in their careers in the local art scene.

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