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Eyes Without a Face


7:00pm - 8:45pm


The Main Cinema
The Main Cinema
Southeast Main Street, Minneapolis, MN
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MSP Film Society
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Classic to Cult

A Month of International Horror Film

Monday, October 7 at 7pm + Tuesday, October 15 at 7pm


At his secluded chateau in the French countryside, a brilliant, obsessive doctor (Pierre Brasseur) attempts a radical plastic surgery to restore the beauty of his daughter’s disfigured countenance—at a horrifying price. Eyes Without a Face, directed by the supremely talented Georges Franju, is rare in horror cinema for its odd mixture of the ghastly and the lyrical, and it has been a major influence on the genre in the decades since its release. There are images here—of terror, of gore, of inexplicable beauty—that once seen are never forgotten.

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