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A Healing Body: Water


Saturday, February 1Monday, March 3





The Holland Arts East Gallery is pleased to present A Healing Body: Water, a solo art exhibit by Bri Harrington.

A Healing Body: Water

We intuitively understand the healing power of water. For centuries, people have gravitated toward rivers, lakes, and oceans to support their well-being and communities. Research shows that living near a large body of water can significantly impact longevity, reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity. This exhibit invites us to reflect how we can become better stewards of this vital resource. By protecting and conserving water, we ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy its healing properties.

Bri Harrington is an avid hiker, meditator and wellness coach. Her work explores the interconnectedness of all beings with curiosity and compassion through field studies of the natural world and contemplations on our innate desire for happiness and pleasure. Currently, her work is focused on the emerging intersection of art and wellbeing, and environmental advocacy.

A Healing Body: Water runs February 1st–March 3rd and can be viewed during Yellowbird Coffee Bar’s hours of operation, Mon–Fri 7am–5pm, Sat–Sun 8am–5pm.

Artist Contact:

Instagram: @briharringtonart


Gallery Inquiries:

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