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Northrup King Building

1500 Jackson Street Northeast
Minneapolis, MN
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Lynnea Schwieters

Artist Statement

The graceful texture and fluency of porcelain provide the basis of my studio work. My forms are inspired by organic objects along with designs of the 18th and 19th centuries. Flowers from the vast gardens around my home strongly influence my imagery. When producing a vessel, I consider its characteristics and how I can work to harmonize the form with my surface decorations. The embellished surfaces I create by sketching, incising, carving, pressing, and applying clay slip, allow glazes to pool in the textures–which accentuate the depth of my forms. These designs draw attention to the surface of my vessels’ flowing movement. It is my intention is to give the viewer a sense of warmth and comfort. My glaze palette ranges are from nature and my floral garden. This interrelationship enhances the applied decoration.


Online Sales

Lynnea Schwieters has an external system for taking orders, separate from this website.

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Lynnea Schwieters has an external system for taking orders, separate from this website.

Events & Classes

Nothing scheduled yet – please check back soon!

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