Online Sales
Cassandra Ronning does not currently take online orders. Email or call for purchase information.
Cassandra Ronning takes commissions.
Image title: 21.5.1 Candles and Fur
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Image title: 21.9.1 Adriana in Pink
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Image title: 22.5.1 The Blue Vase
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Image title: 22.9.1 Pink Light
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Image title: 22.11.1 Cow Skull
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Image title: 23.2.1 Sophia (2)
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Image title: 23.5.1 Grain Belt
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Image title: 23.8.1 Peonies
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Image title: 23.9.1 Romaine Onion
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Image title: 24.3.1 Emma
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Image title: 24.5.1 Iris
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Image title: 24.5.1 Pink Daisy
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Image title: 24.6.1 Minnehaha Creek
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Image title: 24.09.1 Plums
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Image title: 24.10.1 Bde Make Ska
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Image title: 24.11.01 Pumpkins
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Image title: 22.9.1 Fall Colors
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Nothing scheduled yet – please check back soon!
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If you have a question about an order or a pickup, or about fulfillment options for an item, please contact the artist or gallery.
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